Cambridge University

Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture

Visit Us

The Centre welcomes visits to Cambridge from any academic, student, or architect who are interested in classical architecture.  Please make contact with us to discuss the nature and timing of any potential visit.  Visitors are, of course, welcome to participate in our open activities.

Scholars, students, and architects from Sweden wishing to visit the Centre should make early contact, as it may be possible to offer and support a funded, residential stay in Cambridge.

Former Visiting Scholars


Dr Sadi Maréchal (Ghent University)

Sadi Maréchal studied archaeology at Ghent University (Ma. 2010), specialising in Roman Mediterranean Archaeology. After a research stay as a Visiting Scholar in the Academia Belgica in Rome (2011), he obtained a scholarship by Ghent University to start a PhD (2012-2016) on the evolution of public baths and bathing habits in Late Antiquity (AD 285 – 700). The geographical focus lay on the Italian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East. The results of this study have been published as a monograph in the Late Antique Archaeology Supplementary Series (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020). After two years of working as a field archaeologist in Flanders, combined with a 20% teaching assistant position in Roman archaeology at Ghent University, he obtained a junior postdoctoral fellowship (2018-2022) by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). This new project focused on the Roman baths and the evolution of bathing habits in the northwestern continental fringes of the Roman Empire. The results were published in numerous articles and in a forthcoming monograph in The Archaeology of Northern Europe Series (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023). Recently he was awarded a senior postdoctoral fellowship (2022-2025) by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for a new research project on stone domestic buildings in the Roman North-West. Sadi Maréchal is also a member of the French Archaeological Mission in Libya, excavating the site of the Eastern Baths in Leptis Magna, and is coordinator of the Ghent Centre for Late Antiquity. He has been involved in the public project ‘Hammam. Steaming Stories’, bridging the gap between western European and Islamic bathing habits, for which he was awarded a Science Communication Award by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium in 2020.

Aleksander Musial (Princeton University)

Aleksander Musiał specialises in early modern art and architecture. A graduate in Classics from the University of Cambridge and in Art History from the University of Warsaw, he pursued internships at the curatorial departments of the Princeton University Art Museum, the Frick Collection and the Morgan Library. His doctoral thesis, entitled Immersion: classical reception and Eastern-European transformations of hygiene architecture, ca. 1610-1830, has been supported with fellowships and visiting positions at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, Washington (DC), the British School at Rome, and Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte. Musiał’s articles were published in the Princeton University Art Museum Record, and the Oxford Art Journal, for which he was awarded wtih Emerging Scholars Publication Prize by the College Art Association’s Society of Historians of German, Scandinavian and Central European Art.